Wilbert Lammers | Priva
Wilbert is a consultant at Priva for 2.5 years, where he focuses on helping growers optimize their climate computer settings.
Cindy van Rijswick | Rabobank
Within RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness Rabobank, Cindy is the Global Strategist Fresh Produce.
Vincent Deenen CEO Limgroup
Innovations, drive and a personal vision are key words for Vincent Deenen.
Business Development Manager EMEA Global Plant Genetics
Soufiane Lahtati Belkas works to develop the berry portfolio for GPG within EMEA, Global Plant Genetics
Consultant Soft Fruit Delphy
Maud works as consultant at Delphy and has knowledge about all soft fruit crops.
Research professor Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
Arne Stensvand is Research professor Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
Fruit breeder James Hutton Ltd
Nikki Jennings is the Rubus Breeder, based at James Hutton Institute in Scotland.
Senior Researcher Delphy ISFC
Gondy Heijerman is Researcher Soft Fruit at Research Location Delphy ISFC
Global Technical Knowledge Manager Grodan
Andrew joined Grodan in 2000 as a crop consultant providing advice to high-tech vegetable growers within Western European markets.
Senior researcher Delphy ISFC
Vera Theelen is Researcher Soft Fruit at Research Location Delphy ISFC.
Manager Team Soft Fruit Delphy ISFC
Beside managing Delphy ISFC Bart is involved in consulting growers and organizing events on the Research Location Delphy ISFC.
Associate Professor Cyprus University of Technology
George Manganaris is founder of the Fruit Sciences & Posharvest Group at Cyprus University of Technology.
Researcher Delphy ISFC
At Delphy ISFC Pim Kleeven is responsible for gathering and analysing data for trials.
Head of the Pest and Pathogen Ecology department NIAB EMR
Dr Michelle Fountain is head of the Pest and Pathogen Ecology department.
Researcher Phytopathology PC Fruit
Tanja Vanwalleghem is the responsible researcher for the project RUDISCO, Sustainable disease management strategy for Rubus.